Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hello all my crafty friends and welcome to my blog.  I don’t know if you noticed, but I have been away for a few days and am just now able to do a short post.

On Tuesday, I was walking my sweet Joy and stepped wrong on a rock and down I went. Well, if you are like me, the first thing to do is look around to make sure no one saw you!! LOL that is exactly what I did and luckily (I thought) there was no one around. I managed to get up and decided to go back home and check out the wounds.

I only made it a few steps and started to faint, so I sat in a neighbor’s driveway and waited to see someone.   So much for slipping back home unnoticed!   A neighbor and her little girl came out and helped me home. I actually walked with my neighbor supporting me and her daughter walking Joy.  Once at my driveway I thanked her, took Joy and walked up the drive and into the house.

Once inside, I slipped off my shoe and immediately knew this was more than a little sprain.  Since my husband no longer drives, we called 911 and I was taken to the emergency room where I learned I had broken my ankle Sad smile.

Well, today I went to the orthopedist and got good news. The break is clean and I can wear a walking boot.  I will be able to bear weight in a few days hopefully, which means I will be able to get back in my studio for crafting!!!!!  I can only say that pain meds have kept me from going insane since I have been sleeping a lot. 

Anyway, I just wanted to touch bases with everyone and explain why I have not been in blog land for a few days. Hopefully by next week I will be back in full gear!

In the meantime, have a great week! I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful creations when I can be on the computer longer.

Thank you for stopping by! Happy crafting….



Lori said...

Hi Ellen, Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle...Hopefully your up and about now.

The answer to your question is 3 x 3 on the's really darling but it wouldn't hold anything to big.

I would love to see yours if you make one.

Hugs, Lori

Jan Hennings said...

So sorry you broke your ankle...OUCH! It's always so embarrassing to take a fall! I did recently and was in front of very large glass windows and fell in front of anyone who happened to be looking out! I felt like a fool :) Thanks for your sweet comment on my train on the Really Reasonable Ribbon blog :) Good luck!

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